Advice for Members in the Event of Inclement Weather (Snow)
Your health and safety committee would like to remind you that in the event of heavy snow or icy conditions, please remember the following:
- Check the UVic website weather advisory section on
- Victoria Transit information can be found at the following:
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- Note the clearing of snow on the following UVic maps under
- Remember to stay on main routes and stay visible.
- If you are on campus after hours, please use the campus alone program to let people know you are around. This program is available free of charge 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Individuals while working/studying alone may telephone Campus Security Services at 250-721-6683 and provide the following information:
- Your name, an exact location and phone number in the building if you will be working in an office.
- An estimated time of departure. If this changes, you must advise Campus Security.
- Your mode of travel and, if applicable, a vehicle description and location where you’ve parked your vehicle.
- Call Campus Security at 250-721-6683 just prior to your departure.
Stay safe and warm!
- Upcoming CUPE 951 Executive Elections
- CUPE mourns the loss of Paul Dewar