For the past two and a half years, a committee has been working to revise our Bylaws, last updated in 2012. We will be holding a Special General Meeting (SGM) this summer in order to discuss and vote on these Bylaws, which will then need to be submitted to CUPE National for approval. Please take some time to read through…
This year at the June BBQ, the Good & Welfare committee will be collecting toiletries for welcome kits for Victoria Women’s Transition House Society: A welcome kit is a pack of toiletries placed in bedrooms for new residents when they arrive at the Emergency Shelter. Each kit contains basic items for use by the women and their children during their stay…
At our April general meeting, we took time to honour Arden Little, a long time union activist retiring after almost 28 years as a member! We shared cake! President Kara White had this to say about Arden, “You might have heard about Arden from the Career Development Committee, Health and Safety Committee, bargaining committee member, picket captain, Steward and…
This upcoming Saturday is the National Day of Mourning, where we remember workers who have died, or were made injured or sick, from their work. Locally, the Victoria Labour Council is coordinating an event as a memorial and a call to action. 198 workers died in British Columbia in 2017. Every day workers suffer from work-related injuries and diseases. This…
The life of former B.C. premier Dave Barrett will be honoured with a public state memorial service in Victoria on Saturday, March 3. Barrett, who led the province’s first New Democratic Party government, died on Feb. 2 at the age of 87. The service will be held at the Farquhar Auditorium at the University of Victoria on March 3 at…
Every February, CUPE celebrates Black History Month (also known as African Heritage month) when we pause to reflect on the efforts of the many union activists and community organizers of African descent who lead the fight for inclusive communities and workplaces. This fight happens every day, as CUPE members bargain for more inclusive and equity-based language in our collective agreements, challenge racism in our governments,…