Union Officers
Like Stewards, union officers perform critical work in support of our members.
Health and Safety Officers — Injured yourself on the job? Suspect unsafe work conditions? Contact a Health and Safety Officer. Committee members also attend regular meetings with the joint health and safety committee.
Amy Issel Electrical and Computer Eng. 250-721-8614 amyrowe@uvic.ca
Nykita Downie Student Recruitment 250-721-8717 souliere@uvic.ca
Heidi Neeves Office of the Registrar 250-721-8130 oregadmin2@uvic.c
Susie Dancer Office of the Registrar 250-721-8991 sdancer@uvic.ca
BCFED Health and Safety Courses: https://www.healthandsafetybc.ca/course-calendar-old/course-descriptions/#toc-0