CUPE 951 Is Working Remotely
As of March 20, the CUPE 951 offices will be operated remotely.
In this past week, we have done our best to maintain social distancing and avoid face to face contact, our Executive Assistant and Chief Steward have been working remotely. With the recent events leading up to today with a positive COVID – 19 case on campus and the State of California placing an order to stay at home, our local must be able to continue to serve our members to the best of our ability. This will require the President to work remotely from this point forward. As always if you are currently working with a Steward please continue to do so.
For up to date information on the University of Victoria and COVID-19 please go to:
During this time response times may be delayed, thank you for your patience.
If you need assistance, call or email
Executive Assistant Kira Bradley
Monday – Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
250-853-3658 (No calls on Fridays please)
Chief Steward Ted Godwin
Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:00 pm
250-721-7087 or
President Kirk Mercer
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
250 -721-8245 or
After hours please contact the President at 250-580-8504 or
LOA_951_working_remotely_april 27_2020
- Who should be staying home
- CUPE 951 Bargaining Update