May Executive Board and Trustee Elections 2017
As per our ByLaws, the election of Executive Board Members normally takes place in May of odd numbered years which means, this May 31, there will be elections for the board. We will also elect one or more trustees to fill vacant positions – these terms are staggered to allow for continuity.
To be eligible to run for office, “members will have attended at least fifty percent of the General meetings held in the previous twelve months or five meetings if they have been a member for less than one year.” Note that this requirement may be waived if there is no qualified nominee.
Interested in running? Here is the form: CUPE 951 Nominations 2017 – Know someone who is energetic and eager to spend some time out of their busy schedules to help the collective? Consider nominating them if they are agreeable.
Forms should be submitted to the Executive Assistant as soon as possible who will collect them for the Elections Committee.
Why vote? Your CUPE951 executive board, members at large, stewards, and trustees work tirelessly protecting our existing labour agreements with our employer and working towards improving our wages and working conditions in the future.
It is through the democratic process of elections and participation in the collective process of union membership and attending meetings that yields the best results overall.
Participate – and help make your union great.
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