Education Opportunities
Union Education is the backbone of a strong union. CUPE 951 regularly hosts and offers courses on campus but also sends members to courses and workshops around BC. If you are interested in the opportunities below contact Education Committee Chair, Nykita Downie at
Most of our education is offered through CUPE National. See the CUPE Education Workshops Calendar for current offerings. Note that we may not be able to send members to all available workshops.
The Education Committee also checks the offerings at Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Harrison Winter School and CUPE Fall school each year and makes recommendations to the Executive Board.
Stewards, Trustees, and Health and Safety Officers are often required to take more in depth and specialized training. Typically the Executive Board discusses these opportunities as they arise and may recommend specific members be offered the training. Additionally, Health and Safety officers are entitled to at least one work day of training per calendar year, provided by the Employer. We typically try to send our members to the BC Federation of Labour OHS training.