Our Local is automatically part of other CUPE organizations:
CUPE/SCFP – Candian Union of Public Employees, our national union. The Canadian Union of Public Employees is Canada’s largest union, with 715,000 members across the country. CUPE represents workers in health care, emergency services, education, early learning and child care, municipalities, social services, libraries, utilities, transportation, airlines and more. We have 68 offices across the country, in every province.
CUPE BC – our provincial union. There are more than 164 CUPE locals in British Columbia, each serving as the primary voice of the CUPE members within their workplace and community with the support of both CUPE and CUPE BC.
CUPE VIDC – the Vancouver Island District Council, our regional affiliation. VIDC represents approximately 38 locals and 10,000 members throughout Vancouver Island and Powell River.
In addition, we participate in the larger house of labour through:
CLC – The Canadian Labour Congress. The Canadian Labour Congress is the largest labour organization in Canada, bringing together dozens of national and international unions, provincial and territorial federations of labour and community-based labour councils to represent more than 3 million workers across the country.
BCFed – The BC Federation of Labour. The British Columbia Federation of Labour represents over half a million workers engaged in every part of the BC economy, through more than 50 affiliated unions with over 800 locals.
VLC – the Victoria Labour Council. We organize local unions in our jurisdiction to carry out the national policies of the CLC; to participate in national action campaigns; to assist unions on strike; to organize political action; to develop international solidarity and to work for social justice in the community.
Delegates and Representatives
CUPE 951 has long been an active participant in the greater labour movement. Many of our members sit on Provincial or National boards, committes, and working groups. We also have delegates who attend the Vancouver Island District Council and the Victoria Labour Council. If you are interested in getting involved as a VLC or VIDC delegate, please reach out to the Executive Board for more information on available opportunities.