Just Film Festival Vancouver

Just-Film-Festival-2016From the Just-Film website – 

Our mandate is to gather Vancouver’s diverse social justice community to a festival that allows for reflection, provides a forum for discussion, and prompts participants to action. While the issues are often difficult, we feel it is important to provide tools and ideas for solutions.

With this festival we want to provide opportunities for you to be involved in:


By learning more about the world around us, we gain understanding of others’ perspectives. We hope the films you see will challenge you to explore new ideas and begin new conversations.


The best way to process what we learn, experience, or witness is to reflect, discuss, and explore further what we have learned. We hope that the films you see at the festival will spark dialogue.

Action and collaboration

Until we take action, our opinions are not fully expressed. Visit the Social Justice bazaar to learn about volunteer, leadership, and positive action opportunities with locally-based organizations.