2017 CUPE-BC Convention in Victoria highlights

Your CUPE 951 executive members were there! President Kara White, Vice-president Kirk Mercer, 2nd Vice-President Ted Godwin, Chief Steward Laurie Whyte, your Communications Chair Colin Newell, Trustee Maddy Smith and Member at Large, Pat Shade. Your CUPE 951 members worked hard with other members of post secondary institutions around British Columbia – identifying key areas that are of interest to those of us in Post-Sec and K to 12. These are challenging times for unionized (and non union) families in British Columbia – all of us with unique challenges. All the more reason to get out on B.C. Election day on May the 9th.

Fleury to delegates: “We have your back”

VICTORIA—CUPE has the resources to address the serious challenges of precarious work, privatization, and other difficult issues the union is facing in 2017, CUPE National Secretary-Treasurer Charles Fleury told delegates on Friday.  Read more.
Building a Better B.C. with John Horgan and the BC NDP
VICTORIA—With just 11 days to go before Election Day, delegates to CUPE BC’s 2017 Convention greeted BC NDP Leader John Horgan with a sustained standing ovation as he made a rock-star entrance to the convention hall.  Read more.
Pivot, CUPE in the same fight: Pacey
VICTORIA—Organizations like CUPE and the Pivot Legal Society strengthen communities by giving voice to workers and the powerless — often in concert with each other, Pivot’s executive director Katrina Pacey told delegates on Friday.  Read more
‘Thank you for being political’: Lanzinger
VICTORIA—CUPE BC’s boldly partisan stance in support of the BC NDP is a benefit to working British Columbians and could prove the difference in ending the BC Liberals’ 16-year reign of error on May 9, BC Federation of Labour President Irene Lanzinger told delegates in her closing day address to convention delegates.  Read more.
CUPE BC Convention elects new Executive Board for 2017-2019
VICTORIA—Delegates to CUPE BC’s 54th annual convention today elected a new Executive Board to lead the union for the next two years.  Read more.
Frank Lee elected DVP, wins disability award
VICTORIA—CUPE 1004 Secretary-Treasurer Frank Lee is the inaugural recipient of CUPE BC’s Disability Award for outstanding activism on behalf of workers with disabilities.  Read more.
54th Annual Convention delegates head home after productive and inspiring 4 days
VICTORIA—CUPE BC’s 54th annual Convention wrapped up in Victoria today, with delegates electing a new Executive Board (including two new Diversity Vice President positions,) approving a new two-year Action Plan and passing resolutions to guide the union’s activities and priorities over the next two years.  Read more.