UVic launched the Better Data Project in November 2023. It is focused on collecting demographic details of UVic’s campus community (Faculty, Staff and Students). It replaces the Employee Equity Survey and provides an ongoing collection point for students. Once aggregated, the data will be used to help inform support structures, strategies, and institutional plans. Basically, the goal is to better…
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As we were shy of quorum for November’s meeting, we are attaching below reports which will need to be moved for receipt at the December meeting. Normally we would take the time to read these in full at the meeting but as December is traditionally more social than business, we wanted to allow people to read the reports in full…
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Your delegates to the 2023 National Convention were Kirk Mercer, Page DeWolfe, Amy Issel, Nykita Downie, and Heidi Neeves. The Convention took place from October 22-27th in Quebec City, with over 2200 delegates representing more than 740,000 CUPE members across Canada. Convention business ranged from debate on the resolutions and constitutional amendments submitted by locals, divisions, and district councils, to…
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A Labour Day Picnic will be happening in Esquimalt on Monday Sept 4th from 11 am to 2 pm — come say hi to your CUPE family and other labour groups! More detail at https://victorialabour.ca/events/labour-day-2023/
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951 members Kirk Mercer, Page DeWolfe, Susie Dancer, Stephen Leckie, and recent retiree Ted Godwin joined the Victoria Labour Council with the BC Ferries and Marine Workers Union float the MV Queen of Solidarity (captained by Vikki Smudge) and close to 100 members from several other unions including other CUPE Members from Vancouver Island District Council and Nanaimo Duncan District…
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When you attend a general meeting, you will notice the rules of order we use to move the meeting forward. We have an agenda to follow and there are set rules for how and when that agenda may be modified. These can be found in our Bylaws, and are pretty standard as meetings go. As you attend more meetings, you…
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