Your delegates to the 2023 National Convention were Kirk Mercer, Page DeWolfe, Amy Issel, Nykita Downie, and Heidi Neeves. The Convention took place from October 22-27th in Quebec City, with over 2200 delegates representing more than 740,000 CUPE members across Canada. Convention business ranged from debate on the resolutions and constitutional amendments submitted by locals, divisions, and district councils, to…
This month we have vacancies on the Executive Board and we also have upcoming elections for delegates to convention. We will be electing up to five delegates for CUPE BC April 18-21, 2018 For the Executive Board we are seeking a Treasurer and an Education Chair. We are also looking for people to step into roles on the Job Evaluation…
CUPE National Convention will be in Toronto, October 1-6 2017. You will be represented by: Kara White, Kirk Mercer, Pat Shade and Ted Godwin. Laurie Whyte is the alternate. Thanks to all those who came out to the Special General Meeting yesterday to cast a ballot. The Executive ratified the vote today; the extra step of ratification was required as…
I have hundreds and hundreds of photos from my “1st” career as activist from 1990 through 1994 – and I figure, instead of posting them on Facebook, why not post some of them here for safe archiving. So, without further delay, let’s visit… the wayback machine…
CUPE BC Convention 2016 was a well attended and very busy event! This is the 1st CUPE BC Convention for me since 1992 or 1993! It was great to be back – actually saw one or two familiar faces from so long ago — and lots of new faces too! There is nothing quite like a large gathering of like…