VIDC Warm Clothing Drive – Updated

S1216_warmclothingdriveAs members of Vancouver Island District Council (VIDC), our local regularly contributes to the charity drives they organize. For the December meeting VIDC is coordinating a warm clothing drive for various organizations that support the homeless across Vancouver Island.

Kathy Mercer (Library – Tech Services) has offered to collect items on behalf of the local to take to the December 6th meeting. Members can also bring items to our holiday social on December 10th — those items will be delivered  to Our Place.

ourplaceSpecifically requested:

coats, hoodies, boots, sleeping bags, blankets, hats, toiletries, mittens and socks for children, adults AND pets!


VIDC Poster to download and share: warm-clothes-drive (PDF)


UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who was able to bring in something warm for those in need. Kathy delivered a full car-load from our members to Our Place; VIDC took several truckloads to Island shelters.  Please also watch the video from Our Place Society as members express how thankful they are for the support.


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