December 6th: 25 Years Later.

Hard to believe it has been 25 years since 14 women were senselessly gunned down in Montreal. To mark the 25th anniversary of this sombre event, PSAC along with other local organizations, will be hosting a candlelight vigil in Holland Point Park on Dallas Road where a permanent memorial will be erected. The event starts at 4 pm.



From Rose Campaign News:

Marking 25 Years since December 6, 1989
Violence is #NOTokay
25 years after the murders at l’École Polytechnique, violence against women and girls is still a part of our daily lives. Recently American feminist Anita Sarkeesian was threatened with a “Montreal-style massacre” unless she cancelled a speech at Utah State University. We need to increase public awareness of violence and decrease public tolerance. This year the Rose Campaign will launch #NOTokay to empower people to take every day action on violence against women. #NOTokay provides a social media response to women belittled, objectified and attacked in images, videos, tweets, news clips and posts. When you come across an item you think is not okay: call it out as #NOTokay. The #NOTokay tools go live November 25 at